Christian Key Leaders need to turn “Sunday’s teaching” into “Monday’s application” for better lives and better businesses. Our calling is ultimately beyond the bottom line: it’s to Jesus Christ.

Our conviction is to help Christian Key Business Leaders worldwide live for Christ in their natural sphere of influence while remembering the poor.

Asia business leaders have the same challenge of biblical integration as other key business leaders worldwide. We can learn in communities to live for God’s glory in our business lives as we demonstrate His truth in our management of profit and people in the marketplace. Our biblical attitude and behavior in business will have a tremendous influence fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission.

85% of Convene Members outperform competitors in their industries

Executive Coaching



“I was introduced to Convene, previously known as “Beyond the Bottom” Line by a long time friend of mine. I was extremely impressed with the knowledge of Scripture that the members of my group could recite and apply to some very challenging business situations that various members openly discussed. There is no doubt in my mind that being a long time member of Convene has impacted me spiritually and I thank God for introducing me to Brian Thatcher, founder of Convene.” ~ Garth Flint, Founder, Beacon Pointe Advisors

“Not being a ‘group guy’ I initially fought a close friend’s encouragement to become involved in Convene. I am now a sixteen year veteran and proud participant in an organization that has been instrumental in the deepening of my faith and my walk. I have experienced Godly wisdom through the leader and founder of Convene (Brian Thatcher), Godly friendships with the members within my group, Godly encouragement through various personal trials that we all seem to go through and have gained Godly wisdom in regards to the running of my business through the process that Convene utilizes in analyzing business issues. I am a better man as a result of this organization and would encourage all Believers, no matter at what level they are in their individual faith walk, to strongly consider associating with Convene. It’s been a true blessing to me.” ~ Russ Wertz, CEO, Wertz & Company.

“Brian Thatcher, Convene Founder, is a treasure, really. His knowledge of business, coupled with his knowledge of scripture, and how it applies to our modern day issues/existence is something to experience. He almost always can relate any issue you might be having to a biblical principle and even specific scripture. When you can tie a business or life issue to a scripture, or biblical example, it charges up your prayer life because you know what you are praying about within the context of God' s revealed word.” ~ Brent McKee, CEO, McKee & Company

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*Member testimonials are the thoughts and opinions of the members, and they were not compensated for their statements